
June promotional code:June7

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Reviews (2)

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Reviews (2)
  • Qu****es
    Although there was some rather nasty mold slipping on the legs, this is easily fixed with some liquid greenstuff. Unfortunately the pistons on the sides of the leg are completely missing which is rather unfortunate. The detail one the rest of the body was very nicely captured however, with no issues.
    The arms and the gun also came out very nicely with no issues on them.
    The power axe is quite bad however, because the axe head is facing the wrong direction. It seems that the master mold for the axe broke at one point and they glued it back together facing the wrong way. Should you attempt to fix this, i would cut of the axe at the hand and then pin it in place facing the right direction.
    The servo arm had some bending on it, which is to be expected on resin parts like this, but it's nothing a hairdryer or some hot water couldn't fix.
    The shoulder pads are a mixed bag. One of them came out fine, while the other one had some really mangled detail on one half of it.
    Overall, if you are getting the model for a conversion like I am it's quite a good buy, but if you are buying this for an Iron father, Warsmith or Forge Lord, be prepared to put in some serious work.
    30 Days Ago
  • J****n
    Perfect casts with 0 mould slippage. Really satisfied.
    30 Days Ago
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